Founder@ Interview
Interview with Charlotte Moore
Today we feature charlotte Moore, Founder at Smoothie PR, a monthly membership club that teaches food and drink start-ups how to do their own responsive PR.
Hi Charlotte, great to hear your story, before we start can you tell me about yourself and Smoothie PR?
I’m the founder of The Smoothie Bar a monthly membership club that teaches food and drinks start-ups how to do their own responsive PR in 10 mins a day for only £59pm. Join the 10-day free trial to learn how to get PR without paying crazy agency fees, cold pitching or writing constant press releases. If you can write a tweet and send an email, you too can get featured in big names like Speciality Food, The Telegraph, Metro, Stylist, BBC Good Food, Forbes, Huff Post and many more.
You started Smoothie PR after spending the last 10 years working in companies of all sizes, how did this experience help when creating Smoothie PR?
Having talked to lots of brands in the early days of creating my business, I realised that all of them had something in common start-ups have the least amount of time and money but need the most amount of help. I used this knowledge to create a service that addresses both of these issues while helping their business to get PR exposure at the same time.
That is excellent insight, often individuals don’t always see the value of a conversation and listening. Sometimes the greatest problems which need solving are the ones that people around you speak or complain about. Has this been a key to your success?
I like to listen to information and advice and let it sit with me for a while before taking any action. It may initially seem like I’m not responding to it but that’s just because i’m working it through in my own mind to decide what is the next step.
“Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn.”
Charlotte Moore
Great, you must have developed this skill over a number of years, if you could give advice to your younger self what would you say?
Get started in some way. You don’t have to pack in your job and hope for the best, instead, just start getting experience or clients on the side to see if you have the skills or products people will actually buy (there’s a big difference between what people say they will spend on and what they actually do). If there is an appetite for it, let it grow until you reach the tipping point between either making it into a business or just an enjoyable side hustle.
So what’s been your greatest lesson?
One of my favourite quotes is, Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn. I think that’s a fantastic way to look at your journey throughout life and business. We live in an all or nothing culture which forces us into black and white thinking, and this attitude constantly asks us to classify success or failure in everything we try.
Allowing grey areas into your mindset gives you the permission to experiment and grow more freely. When you stop caring as much about what the rest of the world might think or say, you become braver and take more chances to try things out. Many of the cautionary voices around you are from those who wish they had your courage and envy your risk-taking. Don’t let those voices drown out your own and instead, surround yourself with likeminded people who support you at every turn. They’re also the ones who will help you celebrate or catch you when you fall.
We feel that everyone can benefit from advice, what advice do you think every founder should know,
- Don’t be afraid to try “
- Learn from mistakes then try again
- Give and ask for help in equal amounts
Great advice, can tell us what services you use to keep your going?
Thank you it has been great learning more about your founder story and Smoothie PR
To learn more about Charlotte Moore & Smoothie PR
Twitter: @SmoothiePR
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