Founder@ Interview
Quick Interview with Suzanne Noble
Who are you and what do you do?
I was born in 1961, a serial entrepreneur since my twenties, having produced a TV series about astrology, created and sold a baby sling business, wound up a sex education video company for adults.
For over 20 years I ran a Top 150 PR agency specialising in home entertainment and, prior to creating my latest business I was founder of a tech startup called Frugl.
Advantages of Age is a social enterprise, created to challenge the media narrative around ageing by helping over 50s to be more active, visible and most importantly, in work.
“Research your business.”
Suzanne Noble
What’s the story behind your success?
I understand the problems we are seeking to solve because I have directly experienced them. Many over 50s do not want to or are not able to retire at the traditional age.
Once out of work, those over 50+ are likely to spend 12-18 months looking for a new job. Currently nearly 50% will be unemployed in the year before they reach pensionable age.
I want to change these stats, giving over 50s the best possible chance of continuing to be employed in whatever capacity they choose. Perhaps they want to work part-time or change careers, perhaps start a small business. Most importantly, they want flexibility.
What would you call yourself?
An innovator – Because my aim is to create solutions for problems where no others exist.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
First, research your business – and make sure you’re actually solving a problem that needs solving. There’s no substitute for market research and I see far too many people starting businesses on a hunch.
It’s not necessary to have a massive business plan but knowing there’s actually a big enough market for your product or service is really important.
What three tools makes your business run better?
Googlemail, Facebook and Whatsapp are the three tools I use to help me run my business better.
Have an inspiring founder story?
Every entrepreneur’s journey is unique and powerful.
Your story of perseverance and success could be the spark that ignites the next generation of world-changing ideas. By sharing your experiences, you’re not just telling a story – you’re lighting a path for others to follow, dream, and achieve.
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